New Suite Boosts Daily Living And Work Readiness Curriculum

Who knew that learning to fold laundry or make a bed could be so much fun! If you watched our students in Larc’s new Secondary Suite, you would see these everyday tasks in a new light. Our Secondary students are learning about Daily Living and Work Readiness in our newly updated four-room suite, which includes an apartment setting, adaptive kitchen, laundry room, and work readiness room. Students can move between rooms much like they would at home, allowing for a real life experience in the middle of their school day.

Parents of children with special needs understand that while a strong educational curriculum is important for all children, equally important to their children are the skills needed to gain independence and having meaningful social experiences.

Larc Norcross School student washing dishes“This Suite is so exciting!” says Occupational Therapist Lacey Brinser. “Having the ability to work on Daily Living Skills like folding laundry or setting a table in a realistic environment makes a big difference.”

Physical Therapist Maddie Storms adds, “PT is excited too! When working on skills like transferring a student from a bed to a wheelchair, it is so much more meaningful to be in a real life setting. Some students can’t make that connection if the movement is just from mat to mat.”

Larc’s focus is not on task completion, it’s about what is meaningful, relevant, and functional. The Secondary Suite expands the learning experience and takes students outside the educational setting, bringing everyone together in a more realistic daily living environment.

Larc Norcross School student making a bedParents of children with special needs understand that while a strong educational curriculum is important for all children, equally important to their children are the skills needed to gain independence and have meaningful social experiences. Teachers, with input from parents and therapists, create goals and teach students about hygiene, laundry, cleaning, cooking, staying on task, social skills, and so much more.

“We’ve been working on these types of skills for … well 50 years—we are celebrating our anniversary this school year,” says Executive Director Susan Weiner. “This is important to our students and their families. With our redesigned suite, students will get to learn in a home- based setting, working on skills that can immediately be applied to their lives outside of school.”

student doing laundryThe Secondary Program is expanding and the Suite is just one component. This summer Larc had a Grand Re-Opening of their student-run School Store now serving beverages as well as healthy snacks. The Secondary curriculum this year also includes increased community outings.

“We will continue to look for opportunities for our students to grow, stretch, and reach their unique levels of independence,” explains Ms. Weiner. “Our staff is invigorated and passionate about what we do. You don’t make it 50 years in special education if you don’t have an unwavering belief in what our students can accomplish. We have a very special team of people.”