Primary/Intermediate Program
Communication, Functional Academics and Age-appropriate Social Teaching
Larc Norcross School’s Primary/Intermediate program incorporates the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for children ages 5 to 13. The primary focus of this program is to provide a variety of learning activities and experiences that meet the individualized learning goals and objectives of each student set forth in his or her Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Communication is paramount in all daily school functions. Through a language enriched environment that includes verbal and sign language, picture exchange, and/or speech generating devices, there is a strong focus on functional academics and age-appropriate social skills.
Larc students enjoy state-of-the-art technology to expand their communication opportunities and explore their world in new ways.
Related services include individualized and integrated speech, occupational and physical therapies. Children also enjoy Adaptive Physical Education (APE), community-based experiences and music.