Where Dreams Come True
by Edward McDonnell
Just like everyone else, children with disabilities have dreams too. Their dreams are just different.
Their dreams aren’t about first dates, senior proms, or college. Their dreams are about
having a good place to go every morning. A place where they will be treated with
kindness and respect.
A place where the teachers will send home a note every day telling mom and dad how
physical therapy went today, and how the seizures seemed a little better today.
A place where you can’t win a varsity letter, but you can get a hug around your neck
for saying a new word never said before.
A place where loving hearts and skilled hands provide the therapy that keeps
your lungs clear and makes your legs work better.
A place, where, in spite of all the things your body can’t do, you’re still
a really important person.
A place where dreams come true.
A place called
The Larc Norcross School.
Edward McDonnell is a Larc Parent & Chairman, The Larc Norcross School Board of Directors.